Tosha gave 100% of its 2022 profits to the Cartwheel Foundation in the Philippines

The teams of both Cartwheel and MAGIS are pictured above in a thank you message to the Tosha team.

Tosha Supporters,


We aim to stay true to our for-purpose-business model, and on April 11, 2023, Tosha gave 100% of their 2022 profits, to the Cartwheel Foundation in the Philippines in support of their mission with and for Filipino Indigenous Peoples. The donation is to be allotted specifically for THRiVE, a collaboration between Cartwheel Foundation and MAGIS Creative Spaces.

And what better time to share than during Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the United States!

As Managing Partner, I was able to make the connection in 2022 with CF’s Founder Gina Alfonso, and instantly there was a connection between the values here at Tosha, as well as my Filipina indigenous roots (Visayan, Cebuano + Ilokano). Their deep and meaningful mission that uplifts the indigenous peoples of the Philippines deeply resonated with me.

This is an opportunity for me through Tosha to truly give back to my people who were colonized twice and whose culture is still severely impacted by it.

My father’s father came to Hawaii from the Philippines in the 1940s by way of the U.S. Navy, and I have lost much of the strength and resilience that is within my roots as a Filipina. Going back through my lineage, our Filipino surname is lost as the Spaniards enforced upon many of us Spanish surnames.

Even more, much of the wisdom that was buried is now resurfacing.

Indigenous traditions are still being practiced today in villages and places all over the Philippines, but many times are not seen as an impactful way to live due to the violent histories and colonialism.

Gina and I have planned to meet soon in person and hopefully in the Philippines later this fall where I will have the opportunity to see up close the work that the Cartwheel Foundation is doing with their partner MAGIS Creative Spaces.

The funds from Tosha will allow a more fruitful journey alongside their partner indigenous communities in the various islands of the Philippines, and sometimes for many years in various locations.

They address the needs of marginalized indigenous Filipino peoples, contributing to initiatives where both adults and children are able to thrive through culturally relevant, rights-based, and resilience-focused education, while drawing from their culture and the arts.

We wanted to let you know that the work that we do at Tosha not only benefits our clients, our team members and our vision of mindful leaders and inclusive cultures, but also benefits those who align with our values. This ultimately embodies our vision.


In creative partnership,

Trinity Villanueva, Tosha Managing Partner - Labs + Strategy


Learn more about the Cartwheel Foundation here and its mission.


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