Thank You!

We would like to say thank you to our clients, our team and all the people that are helping Tosha fulfill our purpose: to cultivate mindful leaders and inclusive cultures. We believe our responsibility goes beyond the incredible creative companies we get to work with on the daily, to also reach the communities and grassroot organizers who are working to make a difference with people less privileged.  

This is why we are excited to announce that Tosha is making a donation of 3% of our 2020 profit to Afro-Play Oakland  a Black Family Resource Centre that is working to achieve oneness among all Black families in the African Diaspora. Explained in their own words, they “honor the Black experience” and their goal is to “enlighten and empower Black families as one people”.

We love their approach and the way they are creating a safe space for healing, growth and socialization of Black children and Black parents and caregivers. Ellen D. Hamilton and Ajhana DeRamous are the founders of this centre and they are leading the way with limited recourses, ample sacrifice and love to the fullest. This donation will help Afro-Play with many of their programs including purchasing supplies for hundreds of craft bags they are putting together to celebrate Black History Month with the kids of the community. 

We would like to thank Serian Strauss for putting us in touch with Afro-Play and to the rest of our team for taking the time to recommend some organizations that are doing an amazing and inspiring job to help others. In light of the Black History Month, we would like to share them with you as we are sure they would appreciate your kindness. 

Thank you all for your support, this wouldn’t have been possible without the trust you have in Tosha.


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