Women Are Burning Out

We are hearing from many clients how hard it is to manage work-life, stuck-at-home-life and caring for others. For women the toll is much higher with the majority of care still falling on their shoulders. It’s now so bad that it’s impacting our contribution at work and even more concerning our mental health.

To help in shifting this inequality Tosha is partnering with Bread+Butter to provide specialist coaching to support working parents and carers. Whether it is dealing with uncertainty, overcoming emotional challenges, how to work flexibly successfully, managing your return to work after maternity/parental leave or staying connected with teams.

We believe support structures are critical right now, in fact a recent report released last week by McKinsey & Company and Lean In, shows that 1 in 4 professional women are considering leaving their jobs or downshifting their careers.

“Women across the country are burning out. And no one is coming to the rescue.”

Emily Peck writes in Huffington Post article 'Women are not OK’.

For this International Women’s Day we’d like to suggest offering programs that will support greater engagement and creative output and actually make a significant difference in the day-to-day life of your employees who are carers. Because this is what it takes to create an inclusive, family friendly culture.

We are offering 2 programs to begin:

Virtual Group Coaching for Carers

Safe and structured spaces where working parents can share their challenges and gather insights from others. They are 90 minutes long and can include up to 6 participants.

1:1 Coaching Clinic for Carers

An opportunity for parents and carers to sign up for an individual 45 min session during the clinic each month to overcome their individual challenges in a confidential setting.

To view our full Coaching offer at Tosha click here.


Thank You!


Order Matters: Emotional Intelligence Before We Can Have Inclusion