Tong Yee - The Art Of Listening In Leadership
Tong Yee is an influencer. Maybe not the kind that has millions of followers in Instagram, but he is a teacher, a mentor and a coach who has a deep passion for youth development and leadership - and he is heard by many.
He is a regular in TED Talks thanks to one of the most interesting initiatives being organised in Singapore right now: The Thought Collective. Along with the other two founders of this project, Kuik Shiao-Tin and Elizabeth Kon, Mr Tong’s ultimate aim is to create a new generation of socially-minded Singaporeans. Its driving vision is to build the countries social and emotional capital offering new possibilities in the way people think, live and serve as a community.
He is interested in changing the 'assessment based' structures that dominate our education system and influence our future leaders by creating systems that recognize our interpersonal talents like empathy and listening. Mr. Tong believes in the power of really listening, listening to understand others emotions and motivations, to build the full picture and recognize the possibilities at play.
We look forward to talking to him about these topics and more in next weeks interview.
In Unique Leader Project Tags Unique Leader Project, ToshaCC, Tosha, Jasmine Ferres, Gonzalo Aguirregomezcorta, Tong Yee, The Thought Collective, Sinapore, The art of listening, 1-30