We Cannot Be What We Cannot See
Most of us have dreams of a better life. A peaceful place with beaches or mountains, a courageous place where we dare to to follow our heart, a place where we have time to write that book, pick up that guitar or take that course. So what stops us from getting there? From actually 'living the dream'? Why do we move from task to task, day to day, week to week with seemingly no time to do the things we really want to do?
Well, the thing is, we can't be what we cannot see.
We need to build a strong picture in our mind of what that place is like, we need to see it, feel it and experience it, so we can have absolute clarity on what it is. We need this vision to be so strong that we can recall it in weeks and months to come, that within an instant we can transport ourselves back to that place and reconnect with our 'why'. To allow this vision to guide us and help us prioritize what we put our energy into.
Without this, our actions will be disconnected from our vision we will be unmoored from our purpose. We'll instead follow what society asks of us, to stay safe and small, to continue on with the same routine and make do with what we have.
Do you want to pave a different path? Do you have dreams you haven't fulfilled? Would you like to explore another way? Coaching could be the answer. Through coaching we build clarity of your vision and the steps to get there. We connect your vision with your actions and help you get closer to living that life you've always dreamed of. If you are interested to learn more please get in touch.
In Vision, Coaching Tags Vision, WHY, Japanese Proverb, Tosha, ToshaCC, TOSHA coaching, Tosha Coaching + Consulting, Coaching, Coaching and Consulting, Career Coaching, Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, 1-30