Her Royal Highness Gusti Mong - Understanding Leadership Through The Eyes Of A Javanese Princess

We will be visiting Surakarta in the province of Central Java, Indonesia, to understand leadership through the eyes of a Javanese Princess.  Born into a Monarchy established in 1745 her family represent the successors of the Mataram Sultanate.  Her Royal Highness Gusti Mong will share her stories with us from a world very distant to our own, holding traditions that are slowly fading as modernization takes hold.  She works hard to maintain the culture and her heritage, against the will of her brothers who want to make short term financial gain through selling the palace.  She is described as a 'tough leader' fighting against a deeply engrained patriarchal society.   Its believed by many that the 'spirit of her ancestors' was passed on to her through an earthquake in Solo many years ago and they say that this gives her the will to continue her mission. 

In Unique Leader Project Tags ToshaCC, Gonzalo Aguirregomezcorta, Jasmine Ferres, Unique Leader Project, 1-30


We Cannot Be What We Cannot See


We Are Honored To Interview Derice Sumantri A Female Pioneer In Jakarta, Indonesia